Blogmas Day 12, 2018

Wowza. What a day! This morning I woke up at 4 am. You heard that right, four A M. Good stuff haha. I took a shower and got ready, and settled in for some studying. I left my house at 6:10 to go to the school. I got there at 6:30 and studied for like 2 hours haha. I was seriously falling asleep just sitting there, and at one point I just couldn't go on. So I looked through my past likes on twitter and I was literally laughing out loud. Twitter is hilarious haha, it was definitely the pick me up I needed. Good thing I was like the only one on campus at that time and nobody was there to hear me laughing to myself haha.

 Then I left my fav studying spot and went to my classroom. I studied in there for a bit and waited for my friends to come. And then they came and we took the test! It went okay haha. I got an 85%. I swear, that professor just made impossibly hard tests, but whatever, I passed haha. We all talked and hung out for a while after. They all had other finals, so we all went our separate ways! And I walked out of those doors for the last time for fall semester! YAY! I survived my first semester at college! I seriously can't believe it is over! It was incredible! I honestly loved it all. But I'm also very glad to now be on break haha. I need to get my life back together lol.
I took the day off of work so I would have time to finish my final, so I went and got lunch at Chick-Fil-A after. It was so yummy! Love that place so much haha.

Then I came home and just collapsed on the couch for a while haha. I ate my food and watched The Great British Baking Show. Underrated, I am telling you. It's the best show haha. Love that. And then I vacuumed the whole house, and cleaned my bathroom. My mom has been wanting to clean the house, but hasn't really had time. So I usually vacuum, clean my room, and clean my bathroom, so I got that done! And I did laundry. So we had some productive time haha. And then I contemplated taking a nap, but for some reason, I get really grumpy after I wake up from naps. Like I'm always in a bad mood after napping, so I opted out of that haha. Instead I pulled out my computer and started working on my mission papers! I started on the first part that is just the contact information parts, and we scheduled doctor and dentist appointments too! Yay!
And then I went downstairs and worked out. It was a really good one, I actually loved it haha. And then I just hung out for the rest of the night! Super relaxing!
Today I’m thankful for: Surving my first semester of college, tender mercies from the Savior, and the amazing Mems I made this semester!
See ya tomorrow!


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