A Thank You Note
Today I would like to thank a person. She will go by Sister J. Sister J astounds me. Have you ever met a person who goes out of their way all the time to better other people's lives. Well that is her. I wish everyone in the world could just talk to her even for a minute. She is a once in a lifetime type of person. One of the things that I admire most about her is her ability to heed to the promptings of the spirit. She lives her life in such a way that she can recognize the Holy Ghost and act on it and it is beautiful! It is definitely something I strive for. Anyway, the reason I would like to thanks Sister J is because she has shown me that Heavenly Father is mindful of me at all times. Heavenly Father sent Sister J into my life and she has blessed me in many ways. This past summer, I had no desire to go to Girl's camp. But I went anyways, and I am so grateful I did. Sister J was in my cabin! Although I had a hard time while at girl's camp, I grew so close to this Sister and we had so many good times. Even as simple as talking about our shared love for Hallmark Movies. I asked for her help, a while back, with a big time consuming project and she joyfully accepted! I recently received a secret package. She wrote me a letter and included a whole nights worth of fun activities. The thing that impressed me the most, was that within the letter she recalled things I had told her in the past and that was why she made the package for me. She actually remembered things I had told her. That is true listening. I was having a really hard time and she came to my rescue. Just today she showed up at my house with a bag of dark chocolate for me because she said she read my blog and saw that I am really into dark chocolate right now. The gifts are all amazing, but what amazes me most is how much she cares. I can't put into words how special Sister J is. Mostly because I'm crying and I can't think or see haha. I feel blessed beyond anything to know this sweet sweet sister. She is such an amazing example and disciple of Christ and I hope I can be even a little like her as I grow up. If you are reading this Sister J, I want you to know I love you. Thank you for listening to me, caring about me, and obsessing over all things Highschool Musical with me. You are one special person.
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