Day 11! Today was a pretty chill day. I woke up, got ready. Tried something new with my hair haha, because I seriously have the same hairstyle everyday. Kind of digging it haha. Also, new shirt! Felt like a new person today haha!

 And then I went to early morning seminary! Funny story, so I was pulling into the parking lot this morning, and I started to pull into a spot, and this car full of boys started to pull into the same spot from the opposite side, and then they saw my car and backed out and parked next to the spot so I could park there haha. How nice!! But I felt so bad that they moved haha. Awkward, but very nice!
Then I had my classes. Physics we just did test corrections. I got my normal C+ on the physics test. Ugh. I’m not good at physics! Then next I had clothing and we just spent the whole time reviewing for the state test next time. And then I just had aide, which is always good!
Then I came home and worked on a bunch of projects and homework! Got a bunch done, which was super good!
And then I wanted to watch some YouTube videos, but I didn’t want to just sit on my couch and be lazy, so I decided to watch the videos while working out which was such a good idea. I had a kick butt workout! And I was watching some YouTube videos from a YouTuber who makes fitness/lifestyle/Christian videos, and I watched a video where she talked about utilizing discipline and grace in fitness and life. It was seriously such a good video. To be honest, for my whole life, I never liked my body. It’s been a constant war, that I’ve never been able to win. At one point in my life I became so obsessed with the idea of having a skinny body that I became obsessed with working out, to a point where I would get so mad at myself if I missed my workout. I couldn’t sit still, I thought I always had to be moving, burning calories. And that was miserable. Even if I did get skinnier, it brought me no happiness. I gave myself no grace, which led to being miserable. I thought seeing progress on a scale and in progress pictures would bring me happiness, but that’s a complete lie. I never looked in the mirror and thought I looked beautiful. To be honest, I became 100% obsessed with my outward image that I neglected my interior. One morning I had a literal breakdown (like crying) because my hair didn’t look the way I wanted it to. Yeah, not my proudest moment. But what I’ve learned is that sometimes you hit low points, but you just have to get up again. Have the discipline to stand up after you fall, but give yourself grace to know that you are not perfect. Once I was diagnosed with a life threatening disease, I realized how amazing bodies truly are. And you have to take care of it on the outside and the inside. Happiness is an inside job, not something you can see in the mirror. And I am by no means good at remembering all of this, but I can tell you that today I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I looked beautiful despite my body shape or size, and  I worked out because it makes me happy, not because I feel like I have to. Just remember discipline and grace. They work hand in hand.
Okay, little story time over haha. Basically the rest of the night I just hung out, did more homework, and we have family home evening. Good times!
Today I’m thankful for inspiring people, people who are not afraid to be themselves, and share their stories. Vulnerability is one of our greatest tools, yet we use it so sparingly because it’s uncomfortable, but it can really change lives! Don’t be afraid to share the things that are maybe a little scary to share. Vulnerability brings freedom.
The Light the world scripture today is: Matthew 25:35 “I was a stranger and ye took me in.” Hope your guys’ day was good, and you leave this post with a new mindset. Discipline and grace. Hand in hand (: See you tomorrow!


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