The Human Body
I recently had an eye opening experience. When I get low blood sugar during the day, I feel shaky and sweaty and I can catch and fix it really quick. But when I'm asleep, low blood sugar can become a really bad problem. One early 3:30 am, my body woke itself up because of low blood sugar, and I was able to fix things. Let me reiterate. My body woke itself up because I had low blood sugar. My body fought to keep me alive. How incredibly amazing is that? Your body heals scars. Your heart pumps blood. Your brain shuts off at night, so you can recover and have insane magical dreams. Your immune system fights off sickness. If you have negative thoughts toward your body, you are wrong. How can you care so much about how you look on the outside, that you forget the miraculous things happening inside of you! I think when you understand how amazingly complex the human body is, you will start to love the outside as well. With that we also need to take immaculate care of ourselves. We shouldn't be consuming or doing things that will harm our beautiful bodies. We live in this one body our entire lives. I suggest good care and lots of love <3
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