If Life Always Turned Out Like We Wanted

My Junior Year of High School is over! That actually blows my mind! And as I sit and reflect, I don't know if I'm the only one, but I sometimes start to feel guilty. Like, I could have done better, tried harder, pushed myself more, accomplished bigger. And sometimes I fall into the trap of "If only things had gone the way I had planned". A lot of things this year, the past few years really, have not gone to plan. And hopefully I'm not the only one who gets frustrated by this. I honestly should be introduced as "Emma, the perfectionist, who hates change, and overthinks/plans e v e r y t h i n g."
I guess it's the pride in me that thinks that it's my way or the highway haha, and it's something I'm working on. But as the school year came to a close and summer has begun, I've realized how blessed I am that not everything has gone my way.
Don't get me wrong, I still get sad that people or things in my life took different roads, but just the little things that went right, blow my mind. Little things like not knowing anyone in one of my classes, which led to making 7 new amazing friends all at one table. Sometimes even the split second decisions, made all the difference. I think about what would have happened if I hadn't pushed my fear out for long enough to walk into my work and ask for a job. Or if I hadn't spent a summer in Manti, where I met one of my best friends. Or if my brother and sister in law had actually moved out of state. Or if I wasn't diagnosed with T1D (which was definitely not in my plans), which has changed me into a whole new person. Even the tiniest details like not getting chosen for a lead in a school musical, or when I did get chosen as a team captain on my soccer team.
And maybe I will always be a little sad that I lost my 4.0 GPA this year, or that some of my friendships didn't stay around as long as I would have wanted. But when I understand what these experiences were trying to teach me, I'm sure I will be here to tell you what a blessing they were.
I guess what I'm getting at is that, I get so caught up in the fact that things did not turn out the way I planned, and I forget to look around and realize how beautiful things actually did turn out.  I believe there is always good that comes from the bad, usually you have to dig a little deeper to find it, but it's there. Through every plot twist that my life has thrown me, I've become more confident, hardworking, caring, compassionate, and accepting. God is really molding us into who we can become, and without pressure, hardship, and failure, we could never reach our ultimate potential.
So next time, you find yourself angry or upset because things didn't go the way you had planned, try to find the underlying good that can come from the situation.


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