Health and Happiness.

   Ok, so here is the story. A while back I was not healthy at all. I absolutely despised any and all exercise. During the summer of 2013 I found a blog about Health and Fitness and that sparked up a whole different side of me I had no clue was there. I started looking at the health and fitness tab on Pinterest, and then I found videos on YouTube of workouts I could do in my room! This was all new to me, but I loved it! It soon turned into a passion, and I want to keep that passion alive as long as I'm alive! I love this all because it really ties into your well- being and your happiness. I love being happy, and I feel so much happier when I look and feel my best. You have all heard the line "Beauty starts on the inside". It really actually does though! What you put into your body and how you treat your body will eventually show through on the outside. If you want to be confident and happy and feel beautiful, you have to begin on the inside. Over the summer I kind of just let myself off of the healthy lifestyle train, and I am definitely not at my best. So I want to start over. Square one right now. I think instead of focusing on a certain weight or way I want to look, that I will focus on my happiness, and remember that beauty begins on the inside. Who is with me?
Who doesn't like being happy. Literally.


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